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This program inputs a matrix from the user and then uses the "i" and "j" value from the for loop to choose the element from the matrix and add...
Here is a C program to input employee details from the user and display the said employee based on the employee number. #include <stdio.h> // Define...
There are many uses of strings in C. There are many useful built in string functions in C. Some are used to find the length of the string and some are...
Here is a program to convert the diagonal elements to zero. It cheaks if the element i==j and converts it to zero. And it cheaks if the element i+j+1...
Here is a program to find the factorial of a number. #include<stdio.h> int fac(int n); int main() { printf("Here is a program to find the...
Here is a C program to find the Greatest common devisor and the Least common multiple of a number. #include<stdio.h> void gcdlcm(int num1,int...